Stop Gambling: How to Conquer Your Addiction


Stop Gambling: How to Conquer Your Addiction

Gambling refers to any activity, sport or event in which an individual wagers money that he/she believes will one way or another result in some type of reward. Gambling can also be called black-mailing or goading. For many individuals, gambling can be a necessary source of income; however, for others it is strictly a form of entertainment. While there is little research to support the claim that gambling has a beneficial affect on society, some scientists have concluded that gaming can lead to increased blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and ulcers.

Individuals suffering from addiction may exhibit uncontrollable urge to gamble, even if they don’t have a problem. Gambling is the simultaneous wagering on something with an unpredictable outcome with the intention of winning something other than the game being played. Therefore, gambling requires three factors to exist: risk, consideration and a reward. Individuals suffering from compulsive gambling disorder show signs of emotional distress as well as physical problems.

Compulsive gamblers show a lack of self control and uncontrollable urges to gamble. The lack of self control can lead to serious financial and emotional problems; individuals who gamble unethically and irresponsibly often experience divorce, loss of job, high anxiety, relationship problems, and even bankruptcy. The negative impact of gambling on the individual’s life has far reaching and long lasting effects. Studies show that gambling addiction leaves individuals with poor work habits, criminal records, and limited social networks.

Although addiction to anything has its negative impact, studies show that people with gambling addictions tend to enter institutions or secure living environments after suffering the consequences of their actions. These individuals usually go back to engaging in addictive behaviors, often resulting in drug or alcohol abuse, violence, and high risk sexual behaviors. In fact, research indicates that most addicts suffer from more than one addiction. These people also have a negative impact on society because their addictive behaviors cause increased crime rates and negative social outcomes. Addictions not only have profound personal and financial consequences, but they can negatively impact an individual’s loved ones. The ramifications of gambling addiction can range from lost jobs, failed relationships, substance abuse, criminal records, and countless other negative consequences.

According to experts, one of the best ways to treat gambling addiction is through a combination of therapy and medication. Psychologists recommend detoxification, which removes the body from constant use of alcohol or drugs. Detoxification can allow an individual to reduce the physical dependency of gambling behavior. In addition, certain medications are used to treat these types of addictions. Medications like Acamprosate, which is used to treat patients suffering from alcohol addiction, are commonly prescribed to individuals with gambling addiction.

However, there is no single solution for gambling addiction. For most individuals, rehabilitation and change of lifestyle are necessary to overcome gambling addiction. Gamblers who recognize the problem need to take on a variety of steps to stop gambling activities. Those who are determined to stop gambling need to develop the self-discipline required to make positive changes in their lives and their habits.